Today it’s World Book Day! We celebrate and launch Break Through Banking!

bunq book break through banking ali niknamToday, the 23rd of April, it’s World Book Day. This UNESCO event serves to promote reading, publishing and copyright. Why today? Because on this date, in 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega died.

Get ready for BUNQ and some Break Through Banking!

To celebrate World Book Day you can get some ‘Pure inspiration for those daring to believe in a positive future.’

For today we launch Break Through Banking. It’s a rollercoaster story about bunq: an amazing group of IT and dream driven boys & girls determined to change the financial system against all odds. Drama, heated arguments and extreme passion define their trials and tribulations, breaking free from the status quo. Remember: ‘The question isn’t whether IT companies will take over the banking world, it’s when.’

Ever wanted to know how to build a bank from scratch? Always wanted to change history?

Get the book. Read the book. Spread the word. Share the love. Go bunq!

Or just enjoy the preview!

For only 9,99 euro (!!!) you can now download our bestselling e-book Break Through Banking – a whole week long! Or go for the Dutch edition: Breken met banken.